hyperPad Creations: March Highlight
Our March project highlight is Candy Kid by @TutorialDoctor.
"Candy Kid started as a pixel-art animation test using the Piskel app. I started with a black blob on the canvas and sculpted it until I had the silhouette of what looked like a little girl with two puffs. I decided to add a jump animation and eventually decided to see how it would look in Hyperpad. I searched for a song on Free Music Archive to draw inspiration for the game I would like to make and found a neat song about candy. Perfect! The puff girl would collect candy! I googled “lollypop pixel art graphics” and the rest is history!
I enjoyed making the graphics. The most challenging thing was deciding the colors to use. I still think about changing them."
-TutorialDoctorResources used for the project:
https://www.piskelapp.com/Free Music Archive