Gaming as Art
What I wrote above sounds silly and unrealistic. I do feel like this could be good as either a pranking-type thing, or an art-type thing. Not so emotional though XD.
Anyways, please guys still consider collaborating. I still think this idea can go lengths if treated as a team project.
I'm interested, however I do not want to be the leader/manager of this project and we need one, we need someone to tell me what to do otherwise I'll get lazy and do nothing 😝. I think our 4 person collaboration failed because we didnt really have motivation and we had no one getting each other to do anything.
@Aidan-Oxley Can you possibly call Jack?
I'm interested in leading this collaboration though, as long as we keep this thing simple. We won't need any pathfinding formulas or fancy graphics XD.Also, as far as leading I had some ideas of making more use out of email, and a trello page.
We can still text, but as far as organization we can send emails out to each other stating important progress. We can weigh our strengths and weaknesses with trello, and figure out exactly what we're doing.
@GameCRAZY I'm here, I'll join but I don't know how much help I'll be.
@Jack8680 Everyone is bound to be of help here.
We just need to find someone willing to run a server, and the rest will follow suit. A plan for this game has been forming in my head, in addition to what I've already wrote and hinted at above.
@GameCRAZY I can try to set up a database with SQL and PHP on, that could probably be used to share user created data.
@Jack8680 That would be great. I'll make a group chat while we're waiting for someone else to launch on.
@Jack8680 what do you use to set up the database?
@iTap-Development lets you easily set up a database using MariaDB, which is then accessible through mysqli functions in PHP, which can be run and the output accessed through the HTTP request behaviour.
@Jack8680 ok thanks!