Achiel for PC
What're you using to even make it? Hyperpad?
Game maker studio
You could've at least done more with the Hyperpad version before even considering a Apache version using a completely different tool...
You talk about your Achiel so much, but you still haven't even released new update to hyperPad version..
@Bill-Cipher but gamemaker studio can export to iOS... why use hyperPad at all then if you're going to make it in gamemaker anyway? Seems like twice as much work...
Because hyper pad is easer to use
But if it's already being made in gamemaker anyway, why make it in hyperPad too?
2# I'm using the free version which means no iOS export
3# how would I put it on hyper pad hub lol
@Idow373 I guess that makes sense... I would've got one version up to something more complete before working on another but this could work too.
Well I have like 0$ so...