How to delete keys from hyperpad UI
How do you Delete Save from file keys from the hyperpad UI? Theres a bunch i accidentally made or was experimenting on. Check screen shot.
@SplitMindGaming I don't think you can through hyperPad. I tried to remove them by editing the hyperPad project file once though I don't remember whether it fully worked.
@Aidan-Oxley well thats a bummer for a neat freak like me. Now i need to remember whats an active key and whats not.
@Aidan-Oxley also quick question. Do you know if theres a way to delete all saved keys at once? I want to set up a button that basically does the same thing That the delete all saved data does from within the hyperpad playback menu. Because i see the Delete from file behavior. But it only lets me select 1 variable to delete. I would literally need to set up like 10 delete from files if i want to really have the player start from scratch.
@SplitMindGaming You have to select each one individually, save/load behaviours don't work on multiple at once.
@SplitMindGaming Does the Delete from File behaviour not remove your extra keys that you didn't want any more?
@Aidan-Oxley no it still stays within the hyperpad UI.