how to calculate this?
Im trying to set up an achievement system but I have no idea where to begin doing the math for this. This is how i wanted it setup. The score basically goes to infinity. But for each time the score hits every 100. An event happens. How would you set that logic up?
@SplitMindGaming Does the score go up by 1 only, or can it go up by 2 and skip over numbers? It would be different to set up if say it can go up by 2 sometimes in one step and for example go from 99 to 101 which completely skips the exact 100.
@SplitMindGaming Doesn't matter any more I made one that can work with anything, only limitation is it probably gets weird if your score ever goes up by more than 100 at a time, but I imagine that's not what you're doing.
Main logic in the red score label. Other logic is just to test how well it works. Change the Increment box container value and it will trigger with different values other than 100.
@Aidan-Oxley man that is perfect. Your a genius i swear. I also just downloaded your tutorial that you made on spawning a healthbar on spawned objects. It was exactly what i needed as well. So thanks for that.
Yep, Aidan's a genius! He was the first person to invent 3D in hyperPad. 😱
@SplitMindGaming Wow, that still even works? It's so old, I completely forgot it was there. Thanks lol, I've been using hyperPad a really long time though. At least 7 years now.
This RobinsonX guy is the first to have made a nice working game with actual online multiplayer. Though I didn't get to play it cause my iPad Air 1 is sad and crashed every time.