No joke, this is actual gameplay! :D
Best posts made by RobinsonX
Plugins in hyperPad! (UNOFFICIAL)
DISCLAIMER: This is not an official feature and is not endorsed or sponsored by any official hyperPad associates. I created this as a tool for everyone to use freely.
I have successfully created a web application that can mod your hyperPad project to your heart's content! Although it is still in development, I would like to announce it to the community early so you guys get to try out this new tool!
And yes, you can add and remove
user-generated plugins
from your hyperPad project using this software. That means you can copy behaviors, objects and assets from one project and port it over to other projects - a feature that users have asked for a while!You can try out the plugin feature directly in your browser without downloads: free to share your plugins here! Please try not to post plugins anywhere else on the forums!
RE: Collision sounds when level starts.
I fixed it! Copy the link and paste it on safari if it doesn't open up here. @JiiS -
RE: So close to closing shop
So, I decided to take matters onto my own hands.
I'm working on an open source site that can convert hyperPad projects into an HTML file that will be supported by all major browsers.When a working prototype releases, hyperPad will blow up.
This has been a requested feature for a very long time, and I will be proud to deliver it! Currently, you guys can contribute if you guys are in the hyperPad discord server. Let me know there if you want to help!
RE: RobinsonX (Game ChangeLogs)
Been working on it for a week, it's almost done! :D
RE: Optimisation Tips
Instead of using multiple timers, use a single timer that broadcasts a message each interval. This will work, assuming all the timers you intention to have use the same interval duration.
RE: Add to score outputs a string and not a number !
The Add to Score behavior doesn't output a number. It outputs an Object ID, which is a string. Object IDs references an object in the scene.
Performing math operations with a string will treat it as 0. hyperPad doesn't throw an error when this happens.
"cat" + 3 = 3
=>0 + 3 = 3
If you want to get the score value after executing the Add to Score behavior, use Get Label. This behavior will read the contents of a text and not just give the object ID.
The output of behaviors will automatically convert to numbers to perform math operations on.
Latest posts made by RobinsonX
RE: Age access and ownership!
@gmail Hello, can you send me the projects you want the permissions wiped to my email:
RE: Xcode to windows app..possible?
@Shady91 As of right now, not really. We are using a bunch of APIs that aren't made by Apple, so this most likely won't work like Murtaza mentioned.
However, if we migrate to using more native Apple APIs, then this seems feasible. I don't know much behind how this works yet.
If you do try, let us know if it works!
RE: Bug persisting until hyperPad restart
@Shady91 However, a blank scene is very rare.. I'd assume it's a memory issue because it fixes itself after restarting the app. To clear up some memory, you can go to your account settings by pressing the top left hamburger icon and then tapping the gear. You want to press on the button called Clear Project Cache.
RE: Bug persisting until hyperPad restart
@Shady91 Thanks for sharing this with us!
How are you updating your sprites' positions? If they are running under a Timer behavior, I suggest using a Frame Event behavior so the positions are guaranteed to refresh every frame.
RE: Top Down Floaty Movement (how to fix?)
@dumbTactics Sorry for the late response, but make the world gravity stronger to remove the "floatiness". You can do this in project settings or use the Set Gravity behavior.
RE: Saving Object Name into variable and moving it using the variable name
@JonnyFlapjack Can I see your behaviors? Make sure you're getting the object ID of the "4" object and that it's being received on the button object.
Also, it's worth noting that broadcasting will trigger all receive message behaviors with the same key. So you want to have different keys for sending and receiving data between objects.
RE: Get Object
@JonnyFlapjack Plug the
output of the Get Object into the object fields of other behaviors. The other behaviors will only perform the actions on the specified object.Object IDs can be used to dynamically select which objects to perform things on.
RE: hyperPad out of date error
@Shady91 Looks like a mistake on our end dealing with version numbers - I'll try to fix it in the next update. 🤔
RE: What is this
@haynsterPad Congrats on the first post! This is for the education course we're working on. :)
RE: Needed feature…
@ZuniSoft @aPaperWeight @SplitMindGaming You can now duplicate behavior trees and move them into another object. :)