OpenHL is a half life/goldsorce engine/template for hyperpad!
Here’s the link to the .tap!
Hl 2d.tap
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OpenHL is a half life/goldsorce engine/template for hyperpad!
Here’s the link to the .tap!
Hl 2d.tap
IL ad more updates.
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OpenHL is a half life/goldsorce engine/template for hyperpad!
Here’s the link to the .tap!
Hl 2d.tap
IL ad more updates.
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@Bryce-studio first full layout demo testLayout test beta1.tap
Im non stop working on this project
For dam sake hyperpad! Let me make this load and clear! Add a search bar to the hub ! Iv had enough ! Not being able to search for projects! aaaaAAaaAaAaAaAAAAAaaAaAaaAaAaAAH!!! Please… just.. please… add a search bar… from bryce
@Bryce-studio #game engine in a game engine