Overlay black
I've also seen this before, and just came across it again! If you don't set the background of an overlay to something, it is by default black, instead of being white(if you aren't on night mode) like it is on a regular scene. Maybe it's supposed to be this way, but it is a little weird having the black rectangle and everything else white.
Oops, I forgot to reply back to this!
With overlays, the default colour is #00000080 which is black with 50% opacity. That means the background of an overlay is %50 percent dark. The canvas will look black because there isn't anything underneath the background for anything to show up underneath of it.
@Hamed maybe there should be an option for it, because it can make it harder to see some objects.
When you create an overlay or scene, there is an option to choose your background colour.
@Hamed ok