Bug: Large Labels Showing Solid Fill
Large labels of more than 2048 height display as a solid black colour on iPad Air on latest iOS and iPad 4 on iOS10.0.1, but doesn't do it on iPad mini on the last version before iOS10. Here's a project: http://bit.ly/2onMnuN . It displays solid black on the iPad Air and 4 but a green "label" on iPad mini.
Its a memory problem, not really a bug. If your label gets too big, thats the same as using a picture thats really big. iPad Air has more video memory so you can show more things, where as an iPad mini has less and you can show less.
@Hamed so how come iPad Air and iPad 4 don't have it but iPad mini does? Seems like the opposite of what it should be to me.
It could be that iPad Air and 4 are retina where as mini is not. Retina doubles the amount of pixels shown.