HOW TO: Move everything in a Scene to the Right by 16 meters?
Just as an example, imagine there's no other way. That this must be done in the Scene Editor (not in code).
Is it possible to pick up everything and move it to the right 16 meters without dropping or raising Y by some minuscule amount?
I've tried entering values in the inspector, but that just moves everything to the same point rather than shifting everything.
@Deeeds not within hyperPad I'm pretty sure.
@Jack8680 DOH!
@Deeeds you could try unzip the .tap file of your project and run an sql query on the level.sqlite file located in the level's folder inside the levels folder.
I think it stores positions as 1/32nd of a meter, so you'd need to add 512.
I think the table ZOBJECTPOSITION stores the x position under column name ZX, although there seems to be another unused ZX_POS in a different table.
Here's a query that should work:
update ZOBJECTPOSITION set ZX = ZX + 512;
It seems to work on my existing projects, but I can't be 100% sure it's safe to use; @administrators?
How did you find yourself in a situation where you needed to discover this?
Incredibly insightful. THANK YOU!!!
@Deeeds I was interested in the hyperPad file structure, not sure exactly why anymore. The first time I think I actually used it was to convert an empty object to a graphic object.
@Jack8680 I know that pain. I have an empty object I used to hold all Lap Time and Scoring "code", and I'm really wishing I'd used a Label for this so I could have it say: "This is LapTime and Scoring Holder" or something else useful so I don't ever accidentally delete it.
@Jack8680 Mind you, if there was copy/paste of stuff like Behaviours... and Undo... none of these workarounds and fears would be necessary ;)
@Jack8680 Weren’t you trying to combine two projects into one in 2 different scenes?
@Aidan-Oxley that was it! I might try that again.