Bug persisting until hyperPad restart
Hello! i’m having some trouble with a project i’m working on. it’s basically a little car that moves in isometric space and it’s constructed out of a bunch of sprites moving together.
everything’s working so far, except that the car freezes “randomly” every now and then, with no option but to restart the player.
which makes matters even worse…a blank scene.
but, when i close and reopen hyperPad everything goes back to normal.So, now i’m confused whether i’m doing something wrong, or it’s a bug or that my ipad can’t handle the project.
it gets a bit frustrating trying to solve the issue without being able to pin point exactly what’s causing it.i don’t think the project is that resource heavy, although there’s probably room for optimization.
anyway, i’d appreciate your support as i really want to move on with this project. -
@Shady91 Thanks for sharing this with us!
How are you updating your sprites' positions? If they are running under a Timer behavior, I suggest using a Frame Event behavior so the positions are guaranteed to refresh every frame.
@Shady91 However, a blank scene is very rare.. I'd assume it's a memory issue because it fixes itself after restarting the app. To clear up some memory, you can go to your account settings by pressing the top left hamburger icon and then tapping the gear. You want to press on the button called Clear Project Cache.