Round not working...
I beleive @Hamed is looking into this still. I'll remind him about it tomorrow.
@Murtaza great, thanks!
I think its because you're dividing the number after you're rounding it. Divide first, then round.
@Hamed the reason I'm rounding first, is because I'm trying to round it to 1 decimal place.
That's why I multiplied by ten, then rounded, then divided by 10.
For example 10.25*10 = 102.5 round that and you get 103.0 divide that by 10 and get 10.3 -
I think you're going to need another round then. The math behaviours convert the number to a decimal number which is why you're seeing this behaviour.
@Hamed but round(10x)/10 should result in one decimal digit, shouldn't it? I've used round like this before and not had a problem with it.
@Hamed why would dividing by ten give it a should just move the decimal place but not give it .999999999 or something, right?
@iTap-Development Lol I get this sort of problem too with multiplication/division, get things like .999999999 or .000000001
@iTap-Development you could try using the modulus behaviour instead of round, like this:
It doesn't use multiplication or division, so you shouldn't get that problem, I don't know how useful this is though if you have to use a lot of round numbers.
@Jack8680 yeah I do have to round a lot of numbers, but I could just have the input be an attribute that gets set to the number that needs to be rounded to reuse all the same behaviors.
If anyone is interested, it works to get the text length of the rounded number, and then add 1 to it(since after dividing there's a decimal) and then trimming any decimals off by putting the added value as the end index and having it start from beginning. I guess depending on what you're doing with the rounded number you'll have to add or subtract or whatever from the text length.
I think i fixed the decimals in my weather app, but if anyone still has a decimal in it, please let me know!