Games you should check out that don't get enough attention.
So I guess this is the post. I felt my game wasn't getting enough attention so I made this so that really good but unpopular games can get that deserved recognition.
First I wanted to say that I made Mario maker for the hub, but nobody looked at it. I guess it seems like a ripoff but nobody ever bothered to click, but this was actually Mario maker, the real deal. So if you see this, you should look for it on my account. And this is not just for my benefit, it's for the benefit of all games to suffer this fate. If you have a game that doesn't get enough attention reply to me.
The "Games you should check out that don't get enough attention" forum post is not getting any attention. LOL. But if I can think of any or find any, I'll post here.
@BaconEggGames One of my latest game, "The Wave" has decent gameplay in it. Somehow, no likes, but at the same time, no dislikes. I have no opinion on my game... :3
@RobinsonX I'm not sure what's happening with the hub, seems like not many people are checking out the games that show up. Only 1 or 2 people noticed the large update on Meteor I put out, only after I said something about it on forums.
@Aidan-Oxley I check the hub several times a day....but it seems like lately most of the projects are from schools and I don't even bother with them anymore, since so many aren't good. (The icon is usually a good sign lol)
I check the hub once every two weeks...
I check the hub every time im on, theres rarely anything good.
I think I've come to realise that everyone's games currently put onto the Hyperpad store (recently) aren't offering gameplay that is engaging or really enticing to the player. Thus people don't know what kind of feedback to give. In order to receive attention and feedback you need to make your game larger. Give the players something to try and achieve. But when I say achieve, I mean like an 'end' to a game. Not just "Hey, try get 4,000 score".
I'm going to begin Development on a large game as my previous post explained with a group of developers. Hopefully it will turn out great and offer very fun gameplay :)