Minor bug: bottom bar looks strange
iPad Model: iPad Air (1st)
iOS version: 12.4.3
hyperPad Version: Latest update (1.250 (1.250.7))
Description: The bottom bar looks a bit strange to me.
Steps to reproduce: Open hyperPad, open hub/forum
Additional info: Stuff squashed together on left, buttons not returning to default colour after I leave them (I.e Projects is still green as if I've selected it while I'm on the Hub page).
Edit: I just decided to tap on the squashed buttons. Turns out they are the properly working duplicates of the buttons that are spread out (they open the different pages and don't stay green when I press different ones).
Seems this issue doesn't happen on devices on the latest iOS. I'm not able to use any iOS past 12 because iPad Air.
@Aidan-Oxley happens to me too, I'm an iPad mini user ^^'
@Aidan-Oxley yep, fixed on my iPad Air 2 for both viewer app and normal hyperPad when I updated from iOS 12 to 13(.3) a few days ago.
Yeah this is an iOS12 issue.