Viewer app issues
Also you guys already probably know to do this but just want to add it on here just in case. I’m currently testing out my games on the new beta version. Ive noticed that when playing games created from the new version inside the viewer app. Most of those problems listed that has been fixed are still apparent in the viewer app. For example the connecting comments to collided behaviors. It will process the first collide then ignore the rest within the viewer app. It’s corrected within the beta app. So you guys are most likely going to have an update to the viewer app as well once the new version is released.
Yup, there is only a beta of the creator right now.
Viewer app is a stripped down hyperPad, so when it comes time to release we build i based off the core hyperPad version.When the beta is over and the final release is available, we then build a new version of the viewer based on the latest hyperPad version.