Built in image compressing
Would love if hyperpad had the ability to either automatically or with a toggle compress the images on the project file. Same way you can do yourself with tinypng.com. This would save a ton of space. And i mean a ton. Would probably make about an 85% difference in total size just doing this alone. Could have it built in with the clean up project feature or a feature on its own. @Hamed
@Hamed you guys can actually already hook up hyperpad to tiny png. Check link below. It has a developer api.
I don't really know how image storing and loading works exactly, but wouldn't compressing the image make it slower to load and/or lower quality because it has to uncompress?
@Aidan-Oxley its not compressing as in something like zipping a file. More like shrinking the overall file size. Say the graphic is 256kb. Using a site like tinypng will now shrink the file to 8kb without real notice to image quality.
@Aidan-Oxley so the smaller the file size. The faster it will load actually
This is actually just deleting a bunch of unused colours or really similar colours. Some people might not want this, but will see if we have time to add something like this.
@Hamed yeah i dont think alot of people dont know that they need this. But games are made with about 95% of image files. The rest are coding text. If they have a total filesize of 2gb and could shrink it down to 600mb without any loss of quality. The before and after file size comparison will be a dramatic difference. Also these are for mobile apps which will definitely not see any loss of quality unless your game is ultra realism which i doubt because hyperpad is not a 3d engine. This is perfect for 2d game development. I only remembered about this because when i used kwiksher to build my last game it had a built in image compressor.
@Hamed heres another one thats open source https://imageoptim.com/mac