Hostile work environment. I'm contacting HR.
Awesome! Surprised you figured this out because I couldn't even figure out the exact problem with this, what was causing it/how did you fix it?
Bullets and spawned objects were not being deleted
So they were just like being disabled and hidden? If this is in next update, this is great. No more lag buildup in Meteor, or Space Shooter! (If I decide to continue on that game).
Yes and will also be in the next update.
@Hamed So, to be clear, in the current version, if I have spawned objects set to be destroyed, they're not actually being destroyed? My issue is this: I have one scene that has many spawned objects. It plays completely fine if the user picks that scene first. If, however, the user picks another scene first, plays with it for a while, and then picks the heavy spawned scene, the spawned objects are at a crawl.
When you switch scenes it does the cleanup process properly. It maybe because your spawned objects have a lot of timers or complicated logic
@Hamed after objects are spawned, will the project run just as fast as if they weren't spawned?
Well, if you have a lot of objects that still takes processing power. The problem before was that the spawned objects were basically being hidden rather than being removed.
@Hamed ok, but will there be any performance difference if you use spawned objects instead of objects added to the editor?
There shouldn't be. But you may notice a slight hiccup if you're spawning a few objects or an object with a shoot behaviour all at once.
@Hamed ok thanks!