Move Behavior ignores Physics properties
@Murtaza commented on my Point and Click demo. This has been something I have been noticing for a long time and I thought to post it in the forums. I won't post it as a bug if it is intended.
More Behaviors like Move to Point or Move to Object overwrite object physics properties. If two objects are impassable wall objects and one object uses a Move Behavior, if the two overlap, they will not collide with the correct physics.
I find myself having to work around things like this but...
This is because these behaviours are not using the physics engine at all. If you want to move an object but take physics and collisions into account then you use be using set veloctiy, or applying a force.
@Hamed may have more info on this if I have missed any thing.
@Murtaza in this particular case i am using Move to Point to move an object to a tap location (Started Touching X and Y coordinates).
Yes, the transform behaviours (Move, move to point, scale, rotate etc) override physics. Collision behaviours should still function though (Collided, Stop Colliding, While Colliding)
@Hamed what does the "interrupt movement" toggle do?
@iTap-Development When its on, it only lets you run one move behaviour at a time, when its off, it lets you stack a bunch of movements together.
Eg On: You have two move behaviours running at the same time with interrupt on, one moving in the x direction, and one moving in the y direction, it will move only move in x or y, depending on which move got triggered last.
Eg Off: You have two move behaviours running at the same time with interrupt off, one moving in the x direction, and one moving in the y direction, it will move in both x and y.
@Hamed ok thanks!
@Hamed It would be useful to be able to give the move behaviors priorities, just like with aninations.