I can't seem to get it to work
@Stephenn Give me till Saturday night... I will comment when it is published to the hub.
Thank you
I've created a working one. It simply uses an array with all the possible positions you want the object to spawn (and because of private messaging I have the array of positions @Stephenn wants for their project). The object will move to a random position given from the array, then delete the position from the array. If the array has nothing in it, the object will destroy itself. Here's the link: -
@Stephenn mine works too:
But Aidan's is probably better since it doesn't loop (although you have to enter every position in the array for his). -
@Jack8680 entering all the values actually wasn't that hard. Did them all for the first bunch of x values then just copy and paste with a new x value.
@Jack8680 I can't get your link to work
@Stephenn copy the link and paste it into safari, works for me.
Ok, so it worked, it just loaded a blank page but I opened with hyperPad
I loaded it and it plays, but I can't see any behaviors in it
@Stephenn sorry, forgot to say they're in the global behaviours (you should put them in an object in your scene, otherwise they load on every scene)
Ok thanks
Ehm, I guess I won't create an example then. Why do you guys always have to steal my glory XD?
They can't steal it if it isn't yours yet, thanks anyway.
@Stephenn Just a joke - it is all good!
@GameCRAZY Because I did it first 😝 and I have been PMing stephenn.