Custom Restrain Areas
It would be super helpful to have a custom restrain area.
I am trying to make an app, where you can drag an object around.However, when you make an object not passable, you can still drag a different non passable object over other non passable objects
The restrain area is awesome, because you can make a square that you can drag an object in, and if your finger goes out of the area, the object will still follow your finger but stay inside the restrain area.
A custom restrain area would be perfect
@Davio This feature has already existed for awhile.
You can easily find it and turn it on in the properties of a Drag & Drop behaviour and visually select the constraint area by pressing "Draggable Area".
@Kamdroid Yeah, I've seen that before. I was wondering if you could make constrained areas with larger polygons instead of rectangles
@davio For having a custom constrain shape, you could try building invisible (or not invisible) wall objects that block your draggable object (dragged object must be physics). I just wonder whether you might run into the issue of squishy physics allowing the object to push through if you drag too far outside the area.
That might work, but he also wants a solution that will work if he has his object passable.
Would be a little tricky, but you could make it non-passable and then use the Ignore Collisions behaviour on every object that it passes through.