@Hamed @Murtaza I had to uninstall hyperPad bc my iPad was glitching but when I redownloaded all my games are gone, i cant update any, i cant resume progress, all my backups are full. The last I have is from July. Please if you can back me up help. Also if I try to buy the extra back up storage it wont let me. Help me asap.
When you delete hyperPad from your iPad, you're also deleting all projects stored.
You need to back up your projects BEFORE deleting hyperPad.There is nothing you can do after the fact. This isn't a hyperPad limitation, rather how the iPad works.
If you have cloud backups enabled for that project you can download the last version from the list of backups. As long as you are logged into the same account you should be able to edit them and continue working on them.
We no longer offer additional backup storage. But that wouldn't help you now any ways as you already deleted your projects.
Oof. Alright. Thanks for the help.
Nevermind, I found a way to get them back, I just have to go to hub projects, then download the project I want.
@aPaperWeight Nice! But also note that the projects on the hub will only be from the latest published versions - so it is best to frequently update your projects to date if you plan on getting your projects from there.
There's also 10GB cloud storage for each account to store backups of projects you've worked on - I highly recommend using it as much as you can. :)