Behaviour request: Change Colision
I think a behaviour that changes the colision would be really useful when trying to make a character crawl to fit small spaces
Yes this would be good, say you change your player to a different graphic because you got some power up, if you want collisions to match the new player graphic it has to be a separate object.
@Aidan-Oxley like in a mario game where u get a mushroom and get twice as big
Does anyone know how I could do that?
@DGames135 this would be good. For now, you can use a squished graphic for big mario, then change graphic and scale at the same time so it looks normal, but the collisions wouldn't be able to perfectly match the graphic. You could also use multiple objects.
I would just make a copy of your character and disable it, then enable it and trade out the characters while disabling the old one and moving it off screen.
@SIRD4SH yeah, that's what I meant with multiple objects.
@Jack8680 lol my bad
@SIRD4SH that's fine, you explained it better and in more detail.