Collision bug maybe?
Collision bug maybe? I have set up a simple project containing a platform with a wall behavior and a square box for the player with physics and added a jump button set for 2 jumps, the world gravity it set to 100, when press the jump button the player box jumps but when the player box collides with the platform from a jump it sinks into to the platform a little almost like the collision is delayed. Any tips?
Press the world picture on top bar in your project to get into global properties, then scroll down and change the number or choose a refresh rate, this will reduce squishyness 😊
@Aidan-Oxley Thanks a lot that seemed to have helped it's still there but not nearly as much.
@Slackersoftworks You'll need to play with the numbers so it suits your project.
The default settings are pretty conservative so it doesn't affect performance too much and works in most situations.