Search Bar for used behaviors
As my project is getting bigger by adding more levels and features I really think a search bar to find your used behaviors is a must. Its really difficult to navigate around the scene with hundreds if not thousands of behaviors everywhere trying to find a specific behavior that I made. Its a nightmare trying to find the “BehaviorOn2532” that was created in a pool filled with other behaviors that look exactly like it. How I picture it working is a search bar in the top middle. And as you type the specific behavior to locate. The screen zooms into the exact coordinates on where it is. Even a reset view button would make the world of difference. If im not mistaken I think I did see this feature in the trello board.
I’m facing the same problem with my project.
I agree, this is definitely a needed feature for larger projects!
@Murtaza thats why I love you man
@SplitMindGaming haha thank you.
I also forgot we do have a feature that while not search, it does help find behaviours.
If you share values between behaviours, you can press and hold the behaviour inside the input field and it will jump to it.
@Murtaza I haven’t noticed that actually. Yes that same mechanic on how that works is perfect for the search bar feature.
@SplitMindGaming For now, I know something that can help. :)
If there are other behaviors that has the output of a particular behavior you want to find, you can tap and hold on the input field with the behavior and the screen will focus on it! This is a neat little feature from Gamepress that not many hyperPad users know.
Here's a video of the feature working back when Gameprwss was a thing:
I just realized Murtaza already pointed this out lol
Hi, I think this is a great suggestion. A search bar for used behaviors would be very helpful and convenient for finding and editing specific behaviors in a project. It would save a lot of time and effort, especially for complex projects with many behaviors. It would also make the interface more user-friendly and intuitive.
I hope the developers of hyperPad consider adding this feature in the future updates. I think it would improve the user experience and productivity of hyperPad users. I also appreciate the other suggestions and feedback that you and other users have shared on this forum. I think they show how much you care about hyperPad and how you want to make it better.
Best regards, Mia from CodeIT