Unable to add icon or screenshots, trying to upload project to hub
After the HyperPad update, or maybe because of iOS 11, I can not add icons or screenshots - I can, but they don’t show up, only in the little rounded squares when uploading another image, and when I click on any of the pictures it says “Bad request”. I tried submitting and it says I didn’t add any icon or screenshots.. Tried 3 times and once after restarting my iPad and no luck - anyone else experiencing this issue. Also can’t remove any images either.
Can you try again?
@Hamed just updated a new version of the hub. This should be fixed now!
The max file size hasn't changed.
5MB is HUGE. Even 2MB is very large. Most images uploaded to the hub are around 500kb. -
@Murtaza Well that’s what HyperPad tells me.. This is one screenshot;
Yes. You're exceeding the file size. That's not a bug. Your image file size is simply too large.
@Murtaza What’s the best way to reduce my screenshot size?
We've decided to increase the file size. Try again in about 20 minutes.
There are image compression apps you can try to reduce file size though.
Okay, thanks. I’ll update the screenshots for my project next time I release an update, as I decided to just crop it to another specified size.
How do you get such a large file size while keeping in the resolution constraints?
@Aidan-Oxley No idea, I just took them as a normal screenshot, worked for all my other projects. It might be because I updated to iOS 11