Howdy! I got a notice from Apple that I have to upgrade the app I made in Hyperpad to iOS 13SDK. If I follow the directions posted by hyperpad here, will I satisfy Apple’s requirements?
I’m pasting a screen grab of their email.
Howdy! I got a notice from Apple that I have to upgrade the app I made in Hyperpad to iOS 13SDK. If I follow the directions posted by hyperpad here, will I satisfy Apple’s requirements?
I’m pasting a screen grab of their email.
Thanks all. And it won't affect an app that I made with HP that's already in the App Store?
I love hyperpad, but currently have no time to use it. If I cancel my subscription, can I still retain all of my projects and resume when I have free time again?
What's That Button Do?
Silly app for pre-school age kids. Currently on ipad. Waiting for next release of HyperPad to fix splash screen bug and then I'll release as universal.
The words "made with" are cut in half horizontally. Might be hard to see from the screen grab. Attaching a pic of the whole phone.
I'm converting my app from iPad only to Universal. I've got it mostly figured out, but have a lingering issue. On the iPhone version, the HP splash page is not formatted for the right screen size. I know how to set up screen zooms for actual scenes, but is there something I can do to change this splash page? Attaching screen shot. )
Thank so much! I'm going to explore all of your ideas.
I just released my app on iPad. I was in such a rush when I was making it, that I didn't think to address the aspect ratio differences for iPhone. I see that I can use zoom and move screen behaviors to make what I've already made fit for iPhone ratio, but then it doesn't look good for iPad ratio. Is there a way to have the app detect what device it's being played in and then execute the screen behaviors as needed thanks!
@GameCRAZY Yeah, there's not much replay value for adults or older kids, but I've found that preschool age kids like playing it repeatedly. They just like pushing buttons over and over again. Thanks!
@GameCRAZY Thanks for checking it out!
Hi All!
My first app made in HP is now available for iPad on the App Store. Thank you to everyone who answered my questions in the forum while I was making it. Let me know your thoughts and please leave a review if you like it. Thanks!
Alas, I think this is beyond my meager capabilities. I'll wait around until there's something specific within HP. Thanks!
Is there a way to do in-app purchases within HP? I'm thinking of making one level of my app free and then additional levels require purchase.
Hi All!
Thanks to the dozens of my questions that you've asked, I've gotten my app to the testing phase. It's a kids' toy where you can push buttons and silly things happen. If anyone is interested in being added to the test, let me know.ill need your email to sign you up. Thanks!
@Hamed So, to be clear, in the current version, if I have spawned objects set to be destroyed, they're not actually being destroyed? My issue is this: I have one scene that has many spawned objects. It plays completely fine if the user picks that scene first. If, however, the user picks another scene first, plays with it for a while, and then picks the heavy spawned scene, the spawned objects are at a crawl.
@Hamed I tried everything you suggested. It still didn't work. I retried from scratch and now can get it to archive. I'm getting this message in an email after I upload to Itunes Connect, however. Any ideas?
Push notifications is turned off under capabilities.