Tutorial Doctor Hyperpad Showcase
I just created a github repo for hyperpad. I plan on adding tests and games to so that people can play around with them. It seems to be a great way to distribute hyperpad projects. Just click on the
file and then click on Download. -
Now that AnimationPro(iPad) is released, I can finally start adding some polish to games on hyerpad. I've waited almost a year for this (reason why I haven't really done much with hyperpad since game press.)
While github is great.. Why not just use the hub? I feel this introduces an extra layer of complexity and friction.
Isn't the hub for complete games? I'd rather post complete games to the hub. There isn't really a place to share ideas without polluting the hub with unfished or half-baked games/demos.
No, not exactly. They don't have to be complete, but there should be some purpose to what your sharing.
Demos, prototypes, cool ideas are all fine.
What's not fine is just a standard Green spaceman character with joystick controlled behaviour and a few blocks.
The hub is a place to inspire each other and share what your working on. Completed games go in the App Store ;).
On Github and The Hub:
Looking for coders to add gameplay to this one! View it on The Hub!
Graphics from the inkPad app. Character created while watching
video tutorial on youtube.https://www.hyperpad.com/projects/tw4vunbv/versions/pencil-pusher
Looks great. Can't wait to see it in action.
@Murtaza Thanks. Doing some testing right now. Perhaps I will do a tutorial also.
@TutorialDoctor tried to play video, an error has occurred, please try again later. EDIT: Nevermind somehow I got it to work. How did you record your iPad screen?
Screenflow: http://www.telestream.net/screenflow/overview.htm
A free alternative is Open Broadcaster: https://obsproject.com
Looks like a water splash?
@Murtaza Yup! Okay. It's time to figure out how to turn this stuff into a tutorial...
My next project is going to be pretty cool. Going to try to make a V.S. fighting game demo.
Here is the Link to it on Github (couldn't upload to the hub because of an image limit. Perhaps in a future update 1024x1024 images should not be a required icon size?
https://github.com/TutorialDoctor/Hyperpad-Projects/blob/master/Tests/Fighter/Fighter Test Demo.tap
@TutorialDoctor 1024 × 1024 images are required because I'm pretty sure that is the resolution your icon image must be when releasing to the App Store. Can't you just resize your icon?
It has to be 1024x1024 and that is the size I uploaded. I don't know how I would go about degrading the quality? Maybe make it 512x512 and stretching it?
That's what I did. I just made the graphics half the size and stretched them. Thanks.