RobinsonX (Game ChangeLogs)
Amazing how far you've progressed.
Maybe in the future, you could do a sequel with a programming game engine (like Unity) where you have the possibility to implement way more advanced features and get it cross-platform. Hopefully it'd be more optimised too, hyperPad has never been great at it in my expiernece.
@Kamdroid That’s big! I can try to create one, but one of the concerns that I have is the performance. 😨
Sure, maybe repeating some behaviors isn’t bad, but having multiple objects doing the same thing is a big performance bender... -
We have settings in place now. ;) (mostly)
I’m setting up the servers. Once they are working correctly and passed the beta test, the game modes should start rolling out one by one. 👌
One of the main concerns I have is
character animation
... 😅
I can probably create some poses, but it is difficult to replicate a complete walking animation, skeletal animation is hard to recreate in hyperPad because of some limitations. I might stick to the old way of using the Play Animation behavior itself... -
Anyways... This is all I got...
The problem is that it looks weird when I horizontally flip the character...
I haven’t been active very lately. All I did in the past week was uploading a small project in the meantime...
I have lots of stuff to worry about, but once everything is settled, I will be working on BotPixel Games again. ;)
I’m working on BotPixel Games once again!
I restarted from scratch, the previous project (with all the cool UI and stuff) is a rough sketch.Multiplayer is becoming a thing! (Seriously!)
@robinsonx Good luck, I can’t wait!
@LinkoGames You can test the project out right now! I just published the very first version to the Hub!
Sneak peak.
@robinsonx Did you make all the graphics yourself? The polish in your games are always amazing to me. Keep it up, hyped for more updates
I polished the graphics myself. 👌Some people would give me sketches and I would make it a thing, it takes some steps to perfect it. :)
@robinsonx? How do u make multiplayer? I’m trying to make eg the game and I want it to me social and tones of eggs, u could try making it ur self! Ps: I got all portals in the Roblox version !
@supersean I use a server which handles all the incoming traffic, I use heroku to deploy and make my server.
Let's start with github (a website), you can see examples of projects but we are looking for a chat example, we only want to send and retrieve stuff.
You can use's chat example and deploy it on Heroku. The url of the server is what you can connect with hyperPad. If you need some help setting a server yourself, reply and tell me what you specifically want. ;)
@supersean There are a lot of steps and it can be very confusing, I understand if you want me to deploy your server. :3
I can’t because I don’t have developer premium
How u make a text-input and a checking what u typed?
@supersean There is a text input behavior. To get the output like what someone typed, you select an another behavior where you want the output to go to.
It's hard to explain and understand at first, you should read the manuals. :3 -
What Manual? 🤔!
@supersean This manual. 👌