I use a “movable platform” for a consistent speed, does the job. You’ll just have to program your player to stop differently (If you want it to stop).
I wonder what is wrong with velocity though.
Can you be more specific on what the issue is? I'm not sure I'm understanding correctly.
As a test, create a blank project and try to recreate this with minimal behaviours. This way you can tell if it's not some other logic causing issues.
Dunno, currently making a game where basically everybody moves with 'set velocity' behavior and everything is ok. It's just that this behavior needs some right settings, check if there are some other behaviors corrupting its working.
@gamecrazy Don't use timer 0s, use timer 0.016666... for smoothness. What's with set velocity, like exactly what is happening? Can we have an example project? Is your object ever being turned into a wall or scenery object even for a split second? Are there any other physics, movement, transform, etc. behaviours acting on it?
3 behaviors. No timer. Located in the orange guy.
When you touch the right side of the screen, the player should start moving, hence the set velocity. He should continue moving, however he should not just be stopping every time.
He should only be stopping when I tell him to stop, with another behavior.
Just tested your project.
Your mistake is, you only used Started Touching. Then it's clear that he moves and then stops. It only moves when you touch the screen. Use "While Touching" and everything will work perfectly. -
@dave007 Nah, then nothing happens.
I wish it was that simple. )-:-)
I tested that on your project. Just replaced the Started Touching with the While Touching. And it works without problems. If it doesn't work for you, then your device must have some problem 🤔 -
Just looked too, @Dave007 seems to be right
@dave007 Yeah, it doesn’t work. Maybe you are operating the beta version of Hyperpad?
I’m using an iPad Pro, there shouldn’t be any issues there. I’ll see if there is a new update or something.
No update. Tried restarting. Can one of you send it to me?
@gamecrazy set velocity isn’t going to make it move infinitely. Once it’s set, it immediately starts to slow down, unless it set again and again(while touching)
@itap-development When I put in the while touching, tapping, holding... none of it even does anything. The character remains stationery.
@gamecrazy did you change the default object to the one in the started touching behavior?
I am not using a beta version.
Restart your device. If it still doesn't work, reinstall HyperPad. But make a backup of all your projects first! If it still doesn't work, the problem must be yours. It works for me without problems. -
@itap-development Ok, weirdest thing. We have the exact same projects. Same behaviors, same objects, same settings.
I downloaded your link and it worked!
@gamecrazy lol 😂
Set Velocity used to mean (in past versions of Hyperpad) that there would just be a constant rate of motion.
Whatever just happened... Weird!