Version 1.20 now available!
@robinsonx Nope... :\
@GameCRAZY Okay, now I'm clueless. 😟
@gamecrazy That's strange. I've never downloaded an update for an app and have the update do nothing for me while it works for others.
@aidan-oxley Absolutely! This is so weird!
All of a sudden it works! LOL
@GameCRAZY What? One of weirdest bugs yet! Why would your device do that...? 🤔
@Murtaza How do we use the new feature for Broadcast/Receive messages behaviors to communicate with Xcode?
@GameCRAZY It works similar to behaviours. In Xcode, you would broadcast a value with a key and you would create a receive behaviour with a key:
[behaviours addReceiveKey:@"inAppPurchase" withBlock:^(NSString * purchaseId) { // in app purchase logic // ... // Tell behaviours that purchase was successfull [behaviours broadcastValue:@"success" withKey:@"purchaseComplete"] }]
@hamed for you...
@deeeds look at argument to a function call. I don’t really get your point...
Perhaps you have a better memory than me, and most others. I find Objective-C Block syntax notoriously, how do I say this nicely... obtuse, peculiar, arbitrary and mindbendingly hard to remember.
There's a quite famous little web site that features this information. I made it into an iPad wallpaper, so that it was always nearby, instantly. Just wake your iPad, and there it is.
Goshdarnblocksyntax. I recognized it as soon as you posted it. No worries. It always trips me up too.
where would you have to put this code?