Just a quick question... I've been a Hyperpad user for a long long time. Does that mean I'm permanently a developer now, or just for a month? @Hamed
Also, I think Hyperpad would benefit from a Discord server.
Just a quick question... I've been a Hyperpad user for a long long time. Does that mean I'm permanently a developer now, or just for a month? @Hamed
Also, I think Hyperpad would benefit from a Discord server.
@DomiNation Wow, same here. Hyperpad got me interested in coding in the 1st place. Now I know VB, Swift, and I'm learning Python. :)
@procryon Hi, make sure your app works with the iPhone screen resolutions in Hyperpad (16:9 and 3:2). Also, make sure it isn't too small or anything and it feels good on iPhone as well. You can test on Hyperpad, but in order to really get an idea, export to Xcode and test with an iPhone testing device. :D Hope this helps, if you need help I'm quite experienced with 5 apps on the App Store.
@sythemedia Yeah, before making it fade out, change the text over and over using the set label behavior. Use can use wait behaviors in between.
@sythemedia Can you expand?
If you want to have a paragraph of text fade away and open up your game that is very easy to create. Just drag a label onto the screen, and you can make it disappear by dragging out the set color behavior. It should be set to no opacity, and a good fade time (depending on the text) is 2-5 seconds. Make this your first scene, and then use next scene / load scene to go to a level / part of the game.
Let me know if you need more help.
@magmaproductions Yeah, you could use the "get color" behavior. You can check if the hex color is correct, and then trigger an event. Something about the "get color" behavior doesn't make it work on the App Store, however.
Half the time, when I try to log into the Hyperpad forum it says that there is an issue with the servers.
Make a new object.
Give it any irregular collision shape. (Not a square/circle)
Flip the object.
The new object’s collision boundary will be shifted over to the side.
Live on the hub! Now, update 1.1.
Check it out when you get the chance...!
For now it’s in beta (3 levels, including one hell of an intro!)
Play it and tell me what you think...?
Have fun!
@andrey-ghost said in RobinsonX (Game ChangeLogs):
@robinsonx dude, no way! Pixel art maker by Nikomimi?
Awesome app :) Only 2 cons i'd say, only 1 layer and 32 colors per art limit.. Still, very good app.
You should try Pixely. Simply the best pixel art program for iPad.
First beta release on the hub now! Been working on this all day!
Before school starts, I’m going to be publishing a lot to the hub. Some of my App Store material, other ideas in progress, and an example project for my contest.
Will perfect my App Store page as well!
Let me know what y’all think. I’m excited to show off my stuff this week!
Set Velocity used to mean (in past versions of Hyperpad) that there would just be a constant rate of motion.
Whatever just happened... Weird!
@itap-development Ok, weirdest thing. We have the exact same projects. Same behaviors, same objects, same settings.
I downloaded your link and it worked!
@itap-development When I put in the while touching, tapping, holding... none of it even does anything. The character remains stationery.
No update. Tried restarting. Can one of you send it to me?
@dave007 Yeah, it doesn’t work. Maybe you are operating the beta version of Hyperpad?
I’m using an iPad Pro, there shouldn’t be any issues there. I’ll see if there is a new update or something.