I did post the backup failure issue several times, apparently others were having the same issue. Without a current backup I’ve lost valuable changes to my game, and it is frustrating to have to step backward because I do not have a backup.
The system went down and then came back online, at which point the app asked me to login. I logged in and the app indicated I had no projects in the hub! The only option I had was to find a version that was passed from me to Hamed for permissions issue fixes and then emailed back to me. However, that version is old and does not have so many of the behaviors, actions, and reactions that I fine-tuned over the last 2 weeks. Hence, the reason for the comment: two steps up, three steps back.
Murtaza, the worst part about all this is that over the 2+ years of using Gamepress/hyperPad I’ve developed a skill set, and now I have to start from scratch looking for another app to create my game, developing another brand new skill set.