@ZuniSoft I just fixed this. Thank you for bringing this to our attention. :) When selecting an animation cycle, it should replace all the frames. You can still add individual images as frames without it resetting.
@Hamed not sure if this has something to do with it not building or finding the gameanalytics. But some of these frameworks on the hyperpad file is in red indicating it cant find the path or its missing? BB5BF6EA-B68C-49B3-A713-E4C0A37CEAAE.jpeg
@Aidan_Fire thanks so much, it was a big help! I found the source of my frustration, I had set the wrong anchor on my player and that was causing the screen jumping.
I read somewhere on the forum that the patrol behavior doesn’t play well with physics. So my observed behavior is expected.
I fixed it by creating my own patrol behavior set… now propelling my second object works as expected!